Assessment in secondary mathematics
145,00 $Original price was: 145,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.Assessment in secondary mathematics, will identify and explore some of the key issues around assessing mathematics in secondary schools. Through coming to understand these issues and debates, you will…
Assessment in secondary modern foreign languages
87,00 $Original price was: 87,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.Assessment in secondary modern foreign languages, will identify and explore some of the key issues around assessing modern foreign languages in secondary schools. Through coming to understand these issues…
Assessment in secondary music
89,00 $Original price was: 89,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.Assessment in secondary music, will identify and explore some of the key issues around assessing music in secondary schools. Through coming to understand these issues and debates, you will…
Assessment in secondary science
95,00 $Original price was: 95,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.Assessment in secondary science, will identify and explore some of the key issues around science assessment practice in secondary schools. Through these issues and debates, you will reflect on…
Assistive technologies and online learning
130,00 $Original price was: 130,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.Assistive technologies and online learning, you will explore some of the technology that disabled students use when accessing computers. We will take a look at the tools and techniques…
Astudio meddygaeth yn ddwyieithog
130,00 $Original price was: 130,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.A oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn astudio meddygaeth yn y brifysgol? Os felly, mae’r uned hon i chi. Mae’n cyflwyno nifer o ffactorau yr ydych angen eu hystyried wrth wneud…
Astudio’r gwyddorau naturiol yn ddwyieithog
67,00 $Original price was: 67,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.Meddwl am astudio cwrs yn y Gwyddorau Naturiol? Ystyried astudio trwy’r Gymraeg ac eisiau gwybod beth yw’r manteision? Dim yn siŵr os ydy eich Cymraeg yn ddigon da?…
Attachment in the early years
75,00 $Original price was: 75,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.Attachment in the early years, covers theory and research in the area of attachment in early childhood. In the 1950s, John Bowlby was the first person to develop a…
Everyday maths 1
117,00 $Original price was: 117,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.Have you ever noticed how often you need maths skills in everyday life? serves as good preparation for Level 1 Functional Skills in maths, and whilst it does not…
Exploring anxiety
99,00 $Original price was: 99,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.advanced level course, Exploring anxiety, serves as an introduction to masters level study in neurosciences and mental health. Focusing on anxiety, you will consider key issues concerning diagnosis, causes…
Exploring depression
99,00 $Original price was: 99,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.advanced level course, Exploring depression, serves as an introduction to masters level study in neurosciences and mental health. Focusing on depression, you will consider key issues concerning diagnosis, causes…
Exploring the relationship between anxiety and depression
89,00 $Original price was: 89,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.advanced level course, Exploring the relationship between anxiety and depression, serves as an introduction to masters level study in neurosciences and mental health. Focusing on anxiety and depression, you…