Accessibility and inclusion in digital health
99,00 $Original price was: 99,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.In this free course, Accessibility and inclusion in digital health, you will consider some of the ways that people can access digital health in the UK and how they are able…
Astudio meddygaeth yn ddwyieithog
130,00 $Original price was: 130,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.A oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn astudio meddygaeth yn y brifysgol? Os felly, mae’r uned hon i chi. Mae’n cyflwyno nifer o ffactorau yr ydych angen eu hystyried wrth wneud…
Challenging ideas in mental health
115,00 $Original price was: 115,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.Take a new and different look at mental health. Challenging ideas in mental health, invites you to think differently about life’s dilemmas by taking account of the views of…
Communication and working relationships in sport and fitness
120,00 $Original price was: 120,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.Are you experienced in sport or fitness, either as a participant or working in the sector, perhaps as a coach? Are you inquisitive about some of the hidden ‘people…
Exercise and mental health
150,00 $Original price was: 150,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.Each year thousands of pounds are spent on medications to treat conditions such as anxiety and depression. These medications often have negative side effects. Exercise is an alternative treatment…
Exploring issues in women’s health
129,00 $Original price was: 129,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.Exploring issues in women’s health, will introduce social model approaches to health and wellbeing, which take as their starting point not the scientific context of the body, but the…
Lead and manage change in health and social care
99,00 $Original price was: 99,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.Change is everywhere in health and social care work and can evoke a variety of emotions, from excitement and eager anticipation, to fear and outright hostility. In this free…
Making sense of mental health problems
120,00 $Original price was: 120,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.Over the past century there has been a radical shift in responses to people who experience mental health problems. Making sense of mental health problems, you will learn about…
Physical activity for health and wellbeing in the caring role
117,00 $Original price was: 117,00 $.19,99 $Current price is: 19,99 $.Are you a carer? Or do you work with a carer, or know someone who is one? Physical activity for health and wellbeing in the caring role, is designed…